In which a pile of snow rises to the white sky: It reaches for its soul. My love, my labor, is to pronounce, transmute its depth as the sun sets on the satellite dish. I write a book of snow; it opens itself. Snow is designed for grandeur; it propagates its destiny by bedazzling its… [Read More]
Jasmine Dreame Wagner
Jasmine Dreame Wagner is the author of Rings (Kelsey Street 2014) and four chapbooks: Ask (Slope Editions 2016), Seven Sunsets (The Lettered Streets 2015), Rewilding (Ahsahta 2013), and Listening for Earthquakes (Caketrain Journal and Press 2012). Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in American Letters & Commentary, Blackbird, Colorado Review, Fence, Guernica, Hyperallergic, New American Writing, Seattle Review, Verse, and in two anthologies: The Arcadia Project: North American Postmodern Pastoral (Ahsahta 2012) and Lost and Found: Stories from New York (Mr. Beller's Neighborhood Books 2009). A graduate of Columbia University, Wagner has received grants and fellowships from the Connecticut Office of the Arts, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Summer Literary Seminars - Kenya, and The Wassaic Project. A full-length collection of lyric essays is forthcoming from Ahsahta in 2017.