John Addiego, The Immaculate Conception
Jon Biguenet, The Torturer’s Apprentice
Richard Burgin, Bodysurfing
Bonnie Jo Campbell, My Dog Roscoe
Ron Carlson, Oxygen
Richard Currey, Jackson Stillwell
Charlotte Forbes, Inside Graciella Gonsales
Lucy Honig, English as a Second Language
Janet Kauffman, Downstream
Peter LaSalle, Hockey Angels
William Loizeaux, Wader Man
Jane McCafferty, Berna’s Place
Joyce Carol Oates, The Girl with the Blackened Eye
George W. Saunders, The Wavemaker Falters
Robert Schirmer, Jerry’s Kid
John Edgar Wideman, Newborn Is Thrown in Trash and Dies
Lex Williford, The Tub
Ai, The Psychic Detective: Fantasy
John Balaban, Eddie
Jan Beatty, The Waitress Angels Speak to Me in a Vision
Robert Bly, When Threshing Time Ends
Kevin Bowen, The Road to Son Tay
Michael Casey, Don’t Mention It
Mark Doty, Homo Will Not Inherit
Stephen Dunn, The Animals of America
Stuart Dybek, Ararat
Amy Gerstler, On Wanting to Grow Horns
Albert Goldbarth, Wrestling with Each Other
Bob Hicok, Mortal Shower
Larua Kasischke, Rabbit Hole
Maxine Kumin, Pantoum, with Swan
Mary Oliver, A Summer Afternoon
Alicia Ostriker, A Walker in the City
Gary Snyder, Building
Gary Soto, Buddha, Christ & the Clock
Ray A. Young Bear, The Mask of Four Indistinguishable Thunderstorms
Sarah L. Courteau, Chicken 81
Barry Lopez, Apologia
Thomas Lynch, Jessica, the Hound & the Casket Trade
James Alan McPherson, Saturday Night, and Sunday Morning
Brenda Miller, Raging Waters
Peter Najarian, The Big Game
Josip Novakavich, Son of a Gun
Floyd Skloot, Zip
Peter Stine, Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis, and the Holocaust
Jack Turner, The Abstract Wild
Terry Tempest Williams, The Clan of One-breasted Women
Kimberly Wozencraft, Notes from the Country Club