i am starting to think about the future
just as everyone else is closing up shop
dreaming destruction, annihilation, war
i am starting to think about the future
and living further than paycheck to paycheck
hand to mouth, month to month, i am starting to
plan stuff out, in advance, maybe start saving
see i’m starting to see a future, see it
through, let myself move toward a possible life,
a family, babies even, and it’s good
to want it, i am alive right now, and all
living things have a right to keep keeping on,
with trees and forests, food and love, i have hope
and i should have it, i have ambitions and
you should too, with your plights and gripes, your gallows
humor, your misdirected fear, your casual
comments about just ending it all. no dice,
no comet coming, no swift apocalypse
arm pulls down the lever for you. it is you
alive in your private field, you alone in your crowd of many,
you in thrall to your wanting heart, you in there in your little body.